About Us

Umoja Rescue Agency-UREA

“Rescue humanity and save life”

Umoja Rescue Agency (UREA) works to rescue and empower people to enjoy their human rights and socio-economic wellbeing to lead healthy, productive and dignified lives”. UREA envisions a just society free of poverty.

Umoja Rescue Agency (UREA) established in December 2011 as a local non-profit non-government organization with its headquarter in Koboko District-Uganda is legally registered with Uganda Registration Service Bureau (Registration number 80020001800126) on 7th day of May 2019 as not-for-profit-making company limited by guarantee.  Umoja Rescue Agency (UREA) was formerly known as Umoja Development Association (UDA) which emanates from a Neighborhood Assembly (NA) model led by group of young men and women who support community rehabilitation and reconstruction and promote human rights and social economic wellbeing and free people from poverty.

Umoja Rescue Agency-UREA works in accordance with the principle of rescue humanity and save life: It gears its support towards the resources and needs of the people concerned and implements projects jointly with them. UREA staff are in constant dialogue, engagement, and advocacy with beneficiaries, project stakeholders, partners, donors and government for a just society free of poverty. We adopt and apply principles like Do No Harm principles, Gender sensitivity, Right based Approach, conflict sensitive, Non-discrimination in our work everywhere.

Oure Registration number with URSB is: 80020001800126, and Koboko District Local government is: 563/0145

We focus to;

Our Partners & Donors

European Union-EU

Partners in Community Transformation

Communication Development Foundation Uganda

European Union-EU

District Local governments and Government of Republic of Uganda